Donations Policy

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Madison County Public Library

Donations Policy (2023)

The Madison County Public Library welcomes support of the library through donations from individuals, businesses, and other organizations.

Donation of Materials

Gifts of new and used books and audio visual materials may be added to the collection in accordance with the collection development policy. Items may be given to the Friends of the Library for book sales, utilized in the library’s Need a Book Read a Book program, or otherwise sold, traded, or discarded. Donated items become the property of the library. The library will not accept any item with restrictions on use or disposition.

Upon request, the library may provide a receipt for donated items, but is unable to declare appraised value. If items are being donated to obtain a tax benefit, it is the donor’s responsibility to establish fair market value or obtain professional assistance in establishing value prior to donation.

Donated materials may be accepted by any library staff member.

Financial Donations

Monetary gifts, bequests, and memorial or honorary contributions are also welcome. Funds donated for purchase of library materials will be expended in accordance with the library’s collection development policy. Suggestions for subject areas or other areas of interest are welcome and will be followed to the extent possible. Acknowledgement of gifts will be made in accordance with established library procedure.

Library staff members shall not accept personal monetary gifts, “tips,” or other monetary recognitions of service. All monetary gifts will be considered donations to the Madison County Public Library.

All monetary gifts of $25 or more should be sent to the library under the attention of the director. 

Other Donations 

Acceptance of donations of equipment, real estate, stock, artifacts, works of art, collections, or any other item not generally held in the library’s collection will be determined by library management, the director, and the library board if necessary, based on suitability to the mission and needs of the library, law and regulations that govern the ownership of the gift, and the library’s ability to insure and maintain the donation.

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