Surplus Property

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Madison County Public Library

Surplus Property Policy (2022)

Purpose and Scope

The Madison County Public Library Board of Trustees has adopted the Kentucky Model Procurement Code for local public agencies, KRS 45A.345-45A.460. In accordance, the library will sell or otherwise dispose of property that it deems no longer necessary or useful for the provision of library services according to KRS 45A.425. 

Declaring Property Surplus

Only property having a monetary value must be declared surplus. Property that is obsolete or broken and has no useful value may be discarded without notice. The director is authorized to declare as surplus those library materials whose unit value is estimated to be less than $25. The Board of Trustees is authorized to declare as surplus those library materials whose unit value is estimated to be $25 or more. 

Disposal of Surplus Property

Books and non-print items withdrawn from the library’s collections which have unit values of less than $25 may be given to the Friends of the Library, to another library or governmental entity, or to another educational or cultural not-for-profit organization. Computers & other technology items which have unit values of less than $25 and are incapable of running current software and/or are incompatible with the library’s computer network may be disposed of using qualified electronics recycling services or given to the Friends of the Library, to another library or governmental entity, or to some other educational or cultural not-for-profit organization. 

In some cases, it may be possible to trade in surplus items for a discount on the purchase of replacements. This arrangement would be negotiated with the vendor and would not require prior approval from the Board of Trustees. 

The Board shall approve methods of disposal for all other items. Methods to be considered include: 

  • Give or sell to another public library, school district, or governmental entity
  • Give or sell to a non-profit organization which serves a public purpose related to the mission of the library
  • Sell through public auction, including internet auction, or sealed bid following the bid procedure in KRS 45A.365 

If the surplus items cannot be transferred or sold by any of the above methods, they may be disposed of in any manner deemed appropriate by the library and consistent with the public interest. 

Any compensation resulting from the disposal of surplus property shall be transferred to the library’s general fund. Library inventory records will be updated to reflect disposal of surplus items per the Local Government General Retention Schedule.

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